1300+ Ideas & Projects Delivered

$100M+ Funded Apps Developed

14+ Years Of Industry Experience

99% Certified & Expert Programmers

Boost Your Web Presence with the help of our Front-end Developers

Hire front-end developers from us to create your project in the most efficient way to deliver your users the best visual experience on different devices and platforms. Developerperhour provides businesses access to a wide pool of skilled front-end engineers who have hands-on experience in designing and optimizing an engaging UI architecture to attract a large base of users.

Hire us and let your website interact on behalf of your firm. Our expert designers will help you create a solution with highly engaging & tempting UI, visually striking graphics, and more to elevate the brand presence online. Further, our front-end programmers have expertise in leveraging the latest technology stack and industry trends to deliver businesses with a customized, dynamic web solution. Experience the benefits involved with the modern look and functionalities applied by our experienced front-end developers for your user-centric solutions.

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Front-end Development Services We Have Expertise in

Being a top-notch front-end development company, Developerperhour offers a wide range of services to deliver highly engaging solutions to businesses. From creating

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Front-end Architecture

Using the front-end technologies at their best, our experts provide a pleasant-looking architecture for your target audiences. We endeavor to turn your ideas into a strategic design to deliver the best experience.

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UI/UX Development Services

Get comprehensive UI/UX development services from our front-end developers to build highly responsive and user-centric solutions with easy navigation. It helps businesses to obtain personalized and versatile apps.

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HTML/CSS Development

Our skilled frontend engineers ensure the creation of platform-independent applications built by integrating advanced animations and striking visual graphics following W3C standards to make users feel a diverse experience.

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Full-stack Web Development

At Developerperhour, we have highly proficient front-end developers who collaborate with the backend development team to create a pioneer and business-oriented automated web solution with an engaging appearance.

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Improve Existing Solutions

Revamp your existing solutions and make them alluring to stay competitive in the digital world. Our front-end designers will help you uplift your apps by adding attractive elements to them for higher customer retention.

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PWA Web Development

Hire front-end developers from Developerperhour to craft eye-catching progressive web apps to provide a striking digital experience to users. Acquire a perfect mixture of websites & native applications by getting our assistance.

Build Smarter Solutions with Front-End Developers

Hire Front-End Developers in India for Smart Web Solutions to Upscale Your Business!

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Get Started Today

Customer satisfaction is what we strive for. We offer a transparent one-week trial for a small fee for your convenience. If you are completely satisfied with our services, you can go on; else, you can always have the option to take off yourself.


Share Your Requirements

Let us know why you want to hire Front-End developers.


We Pick Your Developers

We talent map your requirements and pick the best Front-End Developers.



You can interview and connect with the developers we choose and finalize your team.


Finalize and Start

Finalize your team of remote Front-End developers and start on your project.

Our Front-End Development Services Portfolio & Case Studies

Being a leading Front-End provider company, DPH has been working in the industry for more than a decade and has crafted a wide array of solutions for multiple businesses. Here, we have come up to show our best work to provide you with an understanding of how we work-

Get the Best Front-End Developers at the Most Affordable Rates

As you move forward to hire developers for your business, it is also essential that they come at a genuine price. We offer the best in the market development rates. You can check our pricing scheme:

Junior Developers

  • 1-2 years of experience
  • 160 man-hours guaranteed
  • Gathered the information from clients
  • Zero contract look-ins
  • Hire developer in your time zone

Mid Level Developers

  • 2-4 years of experience
  • 160 man-hours guaranteed
  • Gathered the information from clients
  • Zero contract look-ins
  • Hire developer in your time zone

Senior Level Developers

  • 5+ years of experience
  • 160 man-hours guaranteed
  • Gathered the information from clients
  • Zero contract look-ins
  • Hire developer in your time zone

Client Testimonials

Words that keep us motivated

Mr. Manon Schipper

Co-Founder, Barbacoa.PRO

Project summary: Barbacoa.PRO

Developer Per Hour built Front-End apps to help users organize recipes. The app indexes foods by both origin and type.

  • Budget Less than $10,000
  • Duration Jan. 2017 - Ongoing
  • Project Name: Barbacoa.PRO

Mr. Fabrizio Politi

Founder, Social eCommerce Platform

Project summary: SixthContinent

Developer Per Hour is currently working with the client to develop and improve an existing social e-commerce platform by providing frontend and backend work.

  • Budget $200,000 to $999,999
  • Duration Dec. 2015 - Ongoing
  • Project Name: SixthContinent

Mr. Michael Williams

Founder, Speech Therapy Clinic

Project summary: PRO90D

Developer Per Hour built two iOS apps based on existing training videos, audio, and written materials.

  • Budget $50,000 to $199,999
  • Duration Sep. 2014 - May. 2015
  • Project Name: PRO90D

Mr. Saurabh Jha

Playing 11 Pvt. Ltd.

Project summary: Playing 11

Chosen for their proven industry expertise, Developer Per Hour created a fantasy cricket app focusing on adding several features and making it more attractive than the competition. They also created a website.

  • Budget $10,000 to $49,999
  • Duration Dec. 2018 - Mar. 2019
  • Project Name: Playing 11

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost to hire front-end developers from DPH ranges between $10 per hour and $30 per hour. The final cost depends on developers’ experience, skills, and other factors.

Our proficient and experienced front-end developers excel in the latest technologies & frameworks. They include HTML5, CSS, Angular, ReactJS, VueJS, and more along with tools like CodePen, GIT, Gulp, HTML, Sass, JavaScript, and others.

Of course, we have a flexible hiring model for our clients. Whether you want to hire front-end developers on an hourly/weekly/monthly basis, go for a dedicated team, or choose a time & material model, we provide it all based on your project requirements.

Our expert front-end development team provides you with continuous updates regarding your project development via messaging apps, email, audio/video chat platforms, and project management tools such as Jira, Trello, etc.

To ensure the security and confidentiality of the client’s project idea, we follow-

  • Signing the non-disclosure agreement
  • Apply strict regulatory compliances
  • Access control configuration for all systems

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